Project News

Across the world, 537 million people were living with diabetes in 2021, of whom 61 million in Europe, and this figure is anticipated to increase to 643 by 2030 (67 million in Europe).

An estimated 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 years worldwide have hypertension (HTN). HTN is also approximately twice as prevalent in people living with diabetes as in the general population.

DigiCare4You consortium partners gathered in Pisa, Italy on May 15-16 2024, for the project's fifth consortium meeting. DigiCare4You partners reviewed the progress achieved in each work package throughout the second reporting period spanning from October 1, 2022 until March 31, 2024 and discussed next steps for the project. 

Read the full press release here

World Hypertension Day (WHD) is celebrated on May 17. Its purpose is to convey the need for awareness of hypertension and its complications, and provide information on its prevention, detection, and management. This year’s campaign theme is “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer”. It highlights that not only is knowledge of hypertension of significance but also that accuracy in blood pressure measurement is vital firstly to ensure early diagnosis and secondly to facilitate proper management to prevent the development of life-threatening complications.


CEIP Cortes de Aragon, a school located in Zaragoza participating in the DigiCare4You project, recently organised a solidarity school race in which all proceeds were donated to the Zaragoza Diabetes Association.

As a participatory school in the project, DigiCare4You partners from the University of Zaragoza were invited to attend this event to raise awareness of their research group and the DigiCare4You project.

For World Health Day 2024 with the theme ‘My health, my right’, we wish to emphasise the importance of equal access to health information and education in closing health gaps and supporting individuals in realising their rights to health.

The World Health Organization recently announced the launch of S.A.R.A.H., a smart artificial intelligence (AI) resource assistant for health. S.A.R.A.H. is a digital health promoter powered by generative AI that is available 24/7 and in eight languages. 

World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated on November 14, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting who co-discovered insulin 100 years ago. The WDD campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation. The overarching theme for the period 2021 to 2023 is access to diabetes care. In 2023, the campaign focuses on the importance of knowing your risk of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) to help delay and prevent the condition as well as highlighting the impact of diabetes-related complications and the importance of having timely access to the right information and care.

World Mental Health Day provides the opportunity to raise awareness and mobilise efforts in support of mental health. People living with T2D and HTN are at an increased risk of developing mental health conditions. On World Mental Health Day we echo the call for action to ensure that mental health is viewed and treated as a universal human right for people living with T2D and HTN.


Click here to read the full news item published for World Mental Health day.

The European Week of Sport is held between September 23 and 30. Leading an active lifestyle is key in both the prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension. This is why we share the ambition of the European Week of Sport to encourage everybody to adopt a lifestyle that includes physical activity.

This year all the initiatives will focus on three important pillars of sport described as the 3Is: involvement, inclusion and innovation.

A new WHO Europe study showing the positive effect of digital tools on health workers has been published in The Lancet Digital Health.[1] Digital tools including, but not limited to, telemedicine, and mobile health technologies were found to impact positively health workers’ performance, clinical practice and management, and enhance quality and delivery of, and acc


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