University of Medicine Tirana, is a new, public University, established on 23rd January 2013. The history of UMT is rooted in the foundation of the Higher Education Institutes in Albania, with the creation of the Higher Institute of Medicine in 1952. In 1957, the Higher Institute of Medicine and other five Higher Institutes of Education formed the State University of Tirana. In that occasion was created the Faculty of Medicine, as the main referent institution for the Albanian Medicine. Due to the highest grade of expertise and professionalism, on January 23, 2013, the Faculty of Medicine was promoted with the status of University, founding the University of Medicine, Tirana (Universiteti i Mjekësisë, Tiranë). Since it re-organisation, on date 30 march 2016, the University of Medicine Tirana, is composed of three Faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dental Medicine. The University of Medicine, Tirana is one of the most important universities in Albania. The University of Medicine, Tirana is composed of over 300 academic staff, 78 Full Professors and around 7.500 students enrolled at the three levels of study Bachelor (Bsc), Master (MP and Msc) and Doctoral degree (Phd). The University of Medicine, Tirana's campus is located in the urban area, near the University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa".
Internal Medicine Department is the largest one of UMT. It includes 8 services, has an academic staff of 28 lectors, of them 20 full Professors. Some of the most known services, directly related with Metabolic diseases and risk health behaviors are: Service of Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases, Gastro-Hepatology, Nephrology & Dialysis, and HTA and Internal Medicine. Service of Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases is integral part of the Internal Medicine Department. It has been active participant in different national programs such as: ALBDIAB Project - the first step for implementing National Diabetes Registry, writing national guidelines in type 2 Diabetes, and Diabetes in elderly people, National check-up program for adult population etc. Members of its staff has been participant of international projects such as: Saint Vincent Declaration, IMAGE Project, Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy - 15 years after St. Vincent Declaration, MEDIGENE etc. and are members of different study and international groups such as: DESG, EASD, IWGDF, EASD Eye complications etc. Some of them have presented their work as poster or oral presentations in EASD, EASO, or IDF Congress.
Florian Toti
Professor in Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine
President of Albanian Diabetes Association, and since 2017 he is President of Diabetes Education Study Group, one of the EASD Study Groups, with a special focus on diabetes education and prevention. He will be the local project Coordinator in Albania. He has ample experience in education, coordinating and conducting epidemiological and intervention studies in adults with Diabetes, obesity, or metabolic syndrome.
He has presented more than 100 scientific work in national and international conferences, and has co-authored more than 40 scientific papers published in national and international scientific journals with more than 150 citations, editor and reviewer for different international peer reviews journals, and member of Advisory Committee, or reviewer in several International Congress.
Skerdi Prifti
Professor in Gastro-Hepatology of Department of Internal Medicine
World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO), Member of the Guidelines Committee. United European Gastroenterology Federation (UEGF), National Representative. He has published more than 50 original research articles and reviews in national and international journals, and co author of several chapters in international textbooks of Gastroenterology. He is member of the National Council for Nutrition Policy, National task force on preventing of hepatic cirrhosis, and working group of Faculty of Medicine in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours. He is actually Head of Internal Medicine Department UMT, and President of Albanian Association of Gastro-Entero-Hepatology.
Dr. Blerina Bombaj
RD at the Service of Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases of the University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana
Shas completed her university studies at Harokopio University in Athens, at the Faculty of Nutrition and she and participates in different training programs for prevention of obesity and healthy life-style in children. She has a wide expertise in the implementation, and management of epidemiological studies. She is also investigating childhood obesity and dietary and lifestyle factors that can influence its increase in Albanian population. Actually she holds a PhD in nutrition & dietetics Harokopio University in Athens, at the Faculty of Nutrition.
Ms. Luftime Bruka
MMedSci- Endocrinologist
She is Policlinic of Specialty Nr. 1 in Tirana. Service of Endocrinology & metabolic diseases. University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” Tirana/Albania. Dr. Bruka is an endocrinologist with more than 20 years of experience, and special interest in Diabetes epidemiology.
She is an endocrinologist working at Policlinic of Specialty Nr. 1 in Tirana, serving more than 200 000 inhabitants, and more than 10 000 diabetic patients. She has been very active as lecturer and moderator in several training programs for HCP, participant in different screening campaign for Diabetes, and member of Working Group on ALBDIAB Project, and National Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. She has significant experience in the relation between diet and lifestyle on vascular function, preclinical atherosclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Acually she is a key partner in a national screening program of undiagnosed Diabetes funded by IDF.
Dr. Adriana Lapardhaja
PHD- Endocrinologist
She is Policlinic of Specialty Nr.2 in Tirana. Service of Endocrinology & metabolic diseases. University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” Tirana/Albania. Dr. Lapardhaja is an endocrinologist with more than 15 years of experience, and special interest in Diabetes and Obesity epidemiology . She works at Policlinic of Specialty Nr. 2 in Tirana, serving more than 150 000 inhabitants, and more than 8 000 diabetic patients. She has been very active as moderator in several training programs for HCP, participant in different screening campaign for Diabetes, and co-author of several presentations on epidemiology of Diabetes and obesity in albanian population. She has been an active member on ALBDIAB Project, and National Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of Diabetes Mellitus in elderly. Actually she is a key partner in a National Program for screening and preventing of vision loss in diabetic patients, supported by IDF.