Established in 1991, Harokopio University of Athens (HUA) is a public University located in the city of Athens, dedicated in promoting high-quality education and research in a small, well focused set of intellectual areas. HUA has been highly ranked based on its performance with regard to citations per Professor/Researcher and thus it is greatly acknowledged as a rapidly developing and expanding University in Europe.
The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics (DND) within School of Health Science & Education at HUA offers high standard graduate and postgraduate education, covering all aspects of human nutrition and clinical nutrition science. Research activity is highly encouraged by the School, promoting scientific knowledge primarily focused in the area of Non-Communicable Diseases prevention and management. Within the DND, Prof. Yannis Manios is leading the “Nutritional Assessment, Health Promotion and Counselling” group, one of the most active and recognised research groups of the University. This group has experience in studying the interactions among behavioural, demographic and physiological indices leading to the development of NCDs, as well as developing and implementing interventions for their prevention.
The Department of Informatics and Telematics (DIT) is the fourth and most recently (2006) established department of the HUA. The mission of the DIT is to promote Computer science, primarily in the areas of network-centric systems and e-services, so as to provide students with the theoretical and practical skills and competences, which are necessary for the design, development and delivery of technical solutions, in all fields of ICT. The department also conducts basic and applied research in all areas relevant to ICT funded either by international institutions or the Greek state. DIT has participated in various EU funded R&D projects.
Yannis Manios
Yiannis Manios is Professor of “Nutritional Assessment, Counselling and Health Promotion”. He has co-authored more than 500 scientific papers published in international scientific journals with more than 16.791 citations (h-index 56). Since 2000 he is actively involved as a Principal Investigator in many National and European research programs either funded by the private sector, public sector or EU such as FP5: PHYTOHEALTH, FP6: HELENA, FP7: ENERGY, HabEat, Food4Me, HORIZON2020: SWEET, GATEKEEPER, FNS-Cloud. He has been the coordinator of the ToyBox-study (FP7), and the Feel4Diabetes-study (HORIZON2020).
Eva Karaglani
MSc, PhDc, Project Manager
Eva is a Dietitian-Nutritionist, holding a M.Sc. in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics with specialization in “Nutrition & Exercise” from the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, School of Health Science & Education, Harokopio University, Greece. Currently she is a PhD Candidate in the field of Nutrition & Dietetics at the same University.
Eva has extensive clinical and research experience, as during the last years she has participated in several research projects and clinical trials, such as the Feel4Diabetes-study – HORIZON2020 (Development and implementation of a community intervention program to develop a supportive social and natural environment to modify lifestyle in order to prevent diabetes mellitus in high-risk families across Europe), the SWEET project – HORIZON2020 (Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability) and the GATEKEEPER project – HORIZON2020 (Smart living homes – whole interventions demonstrator for people at health and social risks); while at present she is the Project Manager of the DigiCare4You project.
Her research interests focus on promoting optimum growth and development in children and adolescents, as well as healthy and active living in adults and elderly. In 2018, she successfully completed the FAPESP-GACD training school on Implementation Science, held in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, while in 2019 she was secondeed as a Marie Curie RISE Early Stage Researcher to Biotechvana SA in Valencia, Spain under the research project Mast4Health – HORIZON2020.
Christina Mavrogianni
MSc, PhD, Research Associate
Dietitian-Nutritionist, holding a PhD and a Master in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics with specialization in “Clinical Nutrition”. Research Associate in the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics. Special interest in the assessment of the factors related to obesity and NCDs, the design and implementation of lifestyle interventions for the prevention and/ or management of NCDs throughout the life cycle and the development and validation of tools used to assess the relevant disease risk.
Konstantinos Tserpes
Associate Professor
Konstantinos Tserpes is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens. He holds a PhD in the area of Distributed Systems from the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (2008). His research interests revolve around distributed systems, software and service engineering, Big Data analytics and social systems. He has been involved in several EU and National funded projects leading research for solving issues related to scalability, interoperability, fault tolerance, and extensibility in application domains such as multimedia, e-governance, post-production, finance, e-health and others. He has served as the scientific or general coordinator in several ICT projects such as +Spaces, SocIoS, Consensus, Fortissimo (FP7) and BASMATI (H2020) and the principal investigator for the projects TEACHING, ACCORDION, COLLABS, CHARITY, MASTER and SmartShip (H2020). In these projects, his role typically involves the coordination of software development teams, and being the chief software architect. In this capacity he has also developed numerous mobile and web apps.